Wrongfully naive, his work is rich: mixed letterings, coloured abstractions, figurative elements, slang and puns of his friend Diogène.
Finally: the immense Alëxone is back in Paris. Another good news: it is at the Willem Speerstra Gallery that he will appear. The gallery owner continues his carefully controled open mindedness towards other horizons such as American post-graffiti by introducing an artist whose fame could catch up with that of Twist. Should it be pointed out?
Omnipresent on the walls and posters, Alëxone appeared among the prestigious guests of Urban Discipline in 2002, his works are published in innumerable publications around the world.
Wrongfully naive, his work is rich: mixed letterings, coloured abstractions, figurative elements, slang and puns of his friend Diogène.
© Emmanuel Moyne / © Speerstra Gallery